8th August 2017

Corrosion Management

It is widely recognised within the oil and gas industry and Energy sectors that effective management of corrosion will contribute towards the maintenance of asset integrity and achieve the following benefits:

  •  compliance with statutory and corporate safety, health and environmental requirements;
  • reduction in safety and environmental hazard from leaks and structural failures;
  • increased plant availability, improving income;
  • reduction in unplanned maintenance, reducing costs;
  • reduction in deferment costs;
  • optimisation of mitigation, monitoring and inspection costs, and
  • improvement in the working environment with associated benefits.

Endeavours aim is to provide guidance and support  to individuals and organisations within industry to develop best practice in design, operation and maintenance of assets based on risk based inspection developing strategies that will provide a holistic Corrosion Management philosophy that is tailored to your specific needs and allow you to successfully manage each of the major corrosion threats you may face.